(02582)255009, +91 76667 97338 | ayurvedchaitanya@yahoo.in

MUHS Mandate

1 Annexure -I Seat Matrix
2 Annexure - II Infrastructure Details
3 Annexure III Turst Dead, Bylawas, Registration Certificate
4 Annexure IV Library Details
5 Annexure - V Department wise Instruments and Equipment List as per MSR
6 Annexure - VI Information about Hospital and Department wise OPD and IPD
7 Annexure - VII Total Teaching Staff Information (Approved + Not Approved) as per MSR
8 Annexure-VIII Total Subject-wise Teacher List (Approved + Non approved)
9 Annexure - IX Requirement of Ayurvedic College Hospital Staff
10 Annexure - X Details of Technical and Other Staff of An Ayurvedic College
11 Annerxure - XI Information of Biomatrix Attendence, Research Articles, Student Welfare Schemes
12 Annexure - XI A Teaching Staff Attendence
13 Annexure - XI B Non-Teaching Staff Attendance
14 Annexure - XI C Hospital Staff Attendence
15 Annexure - XII AISHE (All India Survery of Higher Education) Certificate
16 Annexure-XIII-A Examination Related Information
17 Annexure-XIII-B Subject Wise Eligible Examiner List (UG Course)
18 Annexure-XIII-C Subject Wise Eligible Examiner List (PG Course)
20 Annuexre-XIV-A Information to be submitted with respect to newly appointed mentors
21 Annexure-XV (For Phd Courses)
22 Anneuxure-XV-A (List of Phd Guide)
23 Annexure - XVB (Details of Institutional Ethical Committee
24 Annexure-XV-C (Details of Research Advisory/Doctoral Committee)
25 Annexure -XVI (Declaration)
26 College NA search report
27 MPCB & BMW certificate
28 Complication Certificate (Occupancy Certificate) for College & hospital
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